GAAP (Great Annual Annual Planting)

MGATC members volunteer in large numbers annually to plant annuals at various community spots, like the Columbian Park Zoo, and the Indiana Veterans home.


Wow!  GAAP Plants Over 6500
Annuals and Perennials in 2016

  The many hands of GAAP (Great Annual Annual Planting) made planting over 6500 flowers in our community in four mornings possible and fun.  The weather cooperated—a perfect day at Columbian Park and Zoo, somewhat chilly days at the Tippecanoe Courthouse, Pedestrian Bridge, and the Indiana Veterans Home, and a cloudy day with a few light sprinkles at the Lafayette Art Museum.  Master Gardeners spent from 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours planting at each location.
    The total number of plants is hard to calculate because flats either have 24, 36, or 48 plants.   Columbian Park and Zoo had 108 flats and 24 individual plants; the Court House needed 20 flats; the Pedestrian Bridge required 174 plants; the Lafayette Art Museum needed 12 flats and 25 individual plants; and the Indiana Veterans Home had 30 flats, 20 packs of 2, and 239 individual plants.
    We could not do this project without our wonderful Master Gardener planters! Almost everyone who signed up came to plant or let me know if they could not come. Many thanks to the following Master Gardeners: Diana Allen, Jan Anderson, Ellen Barker, Connie Brown, Judy Cox, Julie Ann Davis, Dee Dilling, Bill Dilling, Diana Hallenbeck, Jan Hiple, Sue Hiser, Bill Hayes, Pat Engle, Jim Jeray, June Johnson, Candace Larson, Lynn Layden, Elizabeth Lockrey,  Cheryl McCool, Melinda Patton, John Pickett,  Rita Renick, Jan Sadler, Sue Schlimme, Carol Smith, Linda Stafford, Doris Wallmann, Nancy Werner, and Tom Werner--a total of 29 volunteers!  Many hands make the plantings easy!  Special thanks to the many super planters who worked two or more days!
    Our Master Gardeners dedication to this special planting project makes our community more beautiful for our residents and visitors to enjoy throughout the summer.  Be sure to visits these locations to see the lovely gardens. 

Sue Hiser, Coordinator